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Sennheiser HD 201

I Have had these headphones for donkey's years, so long in fact, the wire is mostly tape now. These will probably still be around long after I'm gone.

Shure SM58

This has been my work horse through many a year. I know what you're thinking, "That's not a condenser." I have used condensers but I always keep coming back to this. It sounds so awesome.

Alesis Multimix 16

After using this, I could never use another interface again, it has all my needs covered, I have used this to engineer a 10 piece band before. Too many channels for pure VO work but when it dies I will buy another.

Alesis Q49

I love this keyboard, I have had it for around 5 years and really got stuck in to learning piano once I got my hands on it. It really helps me with my FL Studio productions.


Technics SL-1200MK2 x2

When it comes to turntables, these bad boys are the industry standard, I managed to snatch up this pair in 2013 and I am so glad I did.


Behringer VMX 300

This is a great mixer because it has every feature that I need it for, you can have 4 inputs plus a mic which is great for the price range.


Ausdom 1080p HD Webcam

A really inexpensive camera but it does the job. Make sure you have an alternative mic set up though because this one sounds like dog shit.


CamPark Xtreme I+ UHD 4K

Again another cheap addition to the filming rig but this is really handy for attaching to the bike for my SKOOTR videos.


Nikon D3000

This is my beast, I have been using it for around 10 years now, it has even been run over by a car. I am looking to upgrade this soon though for video capability.

Intel Core i7 9700K, 32gb Ram, 3070Ti, Windows 10



It is really hard to say anything bad about Audacity. It isn't fancy but has had me covered for all recording and editing purposes.



Photoshop is THE program for me, I use it for everything from making thumbnails, event posters, elements for video etc.



Camtasia is like a blessing, I am 100% guilty of using Windows Movie Maker for way too long. I am open to other suggestions though as it has it's limits.


Nvidia Geforce Experience

I just use this to record my screen and capture screenshots.


OBS Studio

OBS is like a juiced-up version of Nvidia's screen capture but it has a lot more features and you can add loads more tweaks to it.

FL Studio

Since Fruity Loops improved their software to a full studio, I haven't gone back to Ableton. FL Studio looks a bit like MUSIC 2000 on PS1.


Handbrake is more of a tool than a program. It is very useful for shredding of GBs of data from source material making things easier in the long run.

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